
CATE – Continuous Auditing based on Technological Evolution and Data Mining

FAA’s CATE project is underway at the Program on Innovative Public Procurement. This project aims for a complete methodological and technological rethink of the audit process with the following objectives: greater certainty, at lower cost, within a shorter time frame with greater added value and less loss of (European) resources.

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Technical Assistance

For the European programmes Interreg V A Flanders-Netherlands and Interreg V A France-Wallonia-Flanders, the work of Flanders Audit Authority and others under these programmes is partly financed through ‘Technical Assistance’ via the European Regional Development Fund.

Therefore, the objective of the Technical Assistance project is the responsible and efficient implementation and monitoring of the program and projects.

The funding for the Technical Assistance of Flanders Audit Authority is:

  • € 249,550.00 for Interreg V A Flanders-Netherlands (2014-2023);
  • € 119,925.00 for Interreg V A France-Wallonia-Flanders (2017-2021).