European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

The European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is a European Commission financial tool aiming to promote a more efficient management of migration flows and the strengthening and development of a common approach to asylum and immigration. AMIF had a budget of €89 million for the 2014-2020 programme.


Management and certifying authority

The authority responsible for the AMIF is a federal body, the European funds unit at the FPS Internal Affairs.

The delegated authority for the AMIF is the Department for Employment and Social Economy – ESF and Sustainable Business department. This department is responsible for the management of the Flemish integration element of the AMIF.

Audit authority

The federal audit authority responsible for the AMIF is the Federal Audit Unit at the Inspectorate of Finance for European Funds. This is part of the Interfederal Corps of the Inspectorate of Finance.

Flanders Audit Authority is responsible for the Flemish segment of the AMIF.