Miscellaneous funds

In a supporting role, the FAA conducts audits of operations for other programmes in which Flemish project partners are involved and whereby it is not itself the responsible audit authority. This applies both to the funds for which it is a member of the Group of Auditors and to others in which it is not involved.

Interreg VA France-Wallonia-Flanders
Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine
Interreg VB North Sea Region
Interreg VA 2 seas
Interreg VB North-West Europa
Interreg Europe

The European territorial cooperation programme Interreg France-Wallonia-Flanders arose from the desire to encourage economic and social exchanges between five border regions: Nord-Pas de Calais, Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie in France; Wallonia and Flanders in Belgium.

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The audit authority responsible is the Cellule Audit de l’Inspection des finances pour les fonds européens (CAIF) in Wallonia. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are carried out by Flanders Audit Authority.

Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine is a European territorial cooperation programme between 12 partner regions in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

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The audit authority responsible is the Auditdienst Rijk (ADR) in the Netherlands. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are carried out by Flanders Audit Authority.

Interreg North Sea Region is a European territorial cooperation programme between 49 partner regions in 7 countries bordering the North Sea.

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The audit authority responsible is the EU Audit Danish Business Authority in Denmark. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are carried out by Flanders Audit Authority.


Interreg 2 Seas is a European territorial cooperation programme between England, France, The Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders).

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The responsible audit authority is the Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des fonds européens (CICC) in France. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are outsourced to an external party and verified by Flanders Audit Authority.

Interreg North-West Europe is a European territorial cooperation programme between Ireland, the UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

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The responsible audit authority is the Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des fonds européens (CICC) in France. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are outsourced to an external party and verified by Flanders Audit Authority.


Interreg Europe is a European territorial cooperation programme for the whole of Europe.

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The responsible audit authority is the Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des fonds européens (CICC) in France. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are outsourced to an external party and verified by Flanders Audit Authority.


URBACT III is a European territorial cooperation programme between the EU member states, Norway and Switserland.

Learn more about programma management here.

The responsible audit authority is the Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des fonds européens (CICC) in France. Audits of the operations of Flemish projects are carried out by Flanders Audit Authority.